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Six Session Team Development Program:

Team consultations provide the opportunity to bring a more integrated mind-body approach to training and performance to the entire group and system. I use a combination of an assessment tool and proven strategies to increase awareness, improve understanding and cooperation, facilitate effective communication, and troubleshoot areas of improvement. More than just activities and games, my approach involves a deeper method to creating lasting changes that can be put into action right away to increase the functioning of the team as a whole. The Team Development Program is  for your team if you are looking for:

  • Cultivating a positive team culture of excellence

  • Improving difficult team dynamics

  • Building cohesion

  • Increasing "buy in" to team goals

  • Integrating psychological performance strategies into practice and competitions

  • Ongoing support to individual players and teams throughout the season


Click here for information about one session topic presentations to teams.

Coach and Executive Consultation

Consultations for coaches provide support and education that can enhance their job performance and satisfaction. Consultations can be for individual coaches, or for coaching staffs. Consultations can be to provide support to coaches personally to help manage the demands of the role, or as to increase personal coaching performance. In addition, consultations may be related to performance concerns of team, problems with team dynamics, integrating psychological skills into practice and competition, and / or handling mental health of student athletes. Call for a free consultation to learn more about how services can be individualized to fit your needs as a coach, and of your team.



Coach Development Package

I offer a 4-session coach development package to increase coach effectiveness. I use a combination of an assessment tool (the DISC) and positive psychology principles to develop coaches' awarenesses of their behaviors, improve relationships with players, increase their effectiveness as a coach, enhance coaching staff collaboration, and to solidify coaching philosophy. Click for more detailed information about the individual program. I also offer a coach development workshop in a group format called the Coach Leadership Workout. See the Workshops and Education page for more information

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